Amazing what can happen in a year. A few months after my last post, on my birthday, I got a job at a home health agency. Three months after that, on February 27th, 2011, at the Coffee Bean by the North Hollywood metro station, I met Chris. Well, technically we met online 10 days before that, but the coffee bean was our first face-to-face encounter. I knew after that first encounter that we were going to start dating. There was an undeniable chemistry, and his interest in and willingness to learn about SGI Buddhism made me think "this one's special". We are getting married next month!
I have also received 2 raises since I started working at my current job.
My sister is getting married as well, in April, to her long-time boyfriend. My parents helped her buy a condo and I moved in with Chris in November. My parents are in town now actually, visiting and to attend our weddings.
Life is good.. Funny how things can take a crazy turn for the better after a rough patch. Purely coincidence, or a result of reconnecting with the mystic law after I stopped chanting? I think a little bit of both ;o)