Friday, July 31, 2009

Dating is fun

It really is. I know a lot of people feel like it's a pain or hassle to get back in the game (especially after a tough breakup), but why not be open to meeting new people? Do you really have anything to lose? You can only really gain a great new relationship.
In the past few weeks I have discovered a great free dating site (changed over since my subscriptions have expired) and have been quite active on it. It's a nice reminder that there are plenty of guys out there that find me attractive. I have found a new confidence in myself, and have a lot clearer picture of the type of person that would be compatible with me in a relationship.
Even when I have gone on some dates where there was no spark, it was no big deal. He didn't call? So what! It hasn't discouraged me at all because I know I have hit it off with others who I'm still in contact with. I have the power to pick and choose who I'd like date. The key is recognizing if they feel the same way or not after meeting them or going on a few dates (guys aren't very direct about that usually) so you don't waste your time with someone that isn't interested... because you deserve someone that IS interested and appreciates you for the amazing human being you are!
I have dates with 2 different guys this weekend, and if I'm lucky one of them will keep sticking around :)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

bummed out

Ever have one of those days where you're just plain mad and annoyed?
Not at anyone in particular, just at life itself and how unfair it can be at times. I saw a movie last night that woke up this feeling in me.

I'm mad that cancer exists and causes people suffering and that they eventually lose their lives.

I'm mad that people fall in love and find someone amazing only to have that person pass away.

I'm mad that the love I once had didn't want to stay, and at breakups in general.

I'm mad that people's bodies are put in the ground to rot in a coffin once they pass away.

I'm mad that some people try so hard to help, but things never work out in their favor.

I'm just mad. And annoyed. And just bummed out about things.
Yes I know, this is temporary and in a few hours the feeling will pass.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 is time to sparkle and shine

Dear 2008,

I hereby dub you my Year of Discovery. You get my 'Most Creative Year' award. All in all, it was a fortunate year for me - I finally have a nice stable job, made a bunch of new friends through my Buddhist practice, and discovered a new determination and confidence in myself that I didn't think I had. I have come a long way since high school, and am amazed at the amount of personal growth one can go through in 10 years. Overall I'm so much happier and have a much better sense of self. Try as they might, nobody can mess with me. ;o)

Hello and welcome 2009!
I hereby dub you my Year of Action.
My best friend and I were talking and she feels as though she's being lazy and not living to her full potential. I would never have thought that about her, as she's always taking action to be happy and improve. Then I did a little self reflection and wondered, 'am I living to my potential? Could I do better?" Well, yes. I can do better. I can stick to an exercise schedule. I can excel in school and complete a degree. I can become a diplomat and international agent of peace. I can be more outgoing and meet more people. I can date more. I can communicate with my friends and family more. I can go to check-ups at the doctor and dentist to keep myself healthy. I can take better care of me. So this year, I am determined to take the actions necessary to live the kind of life I want to live.

Let's do this!