Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 is time to sparkle and shine

Dear 2008,

I hereby dub you my Year of Discovery. You get my 'Most Creative Year' award. All in all, it was a fortunate year for me - I finally have a nice stable job, made a bunch of new friends through my Buddhist practice, and discovered a new determination and confidence in myself that I didn't think I had. I have come a long way since high school, and am amazed at the amount of personal growth one can go through in 10 years. Overall I'm so much happier and have a much better sense of self. Try as they might, nobody can mess with me. ;o)

Hello and welcome 2009!
I hereby dub you my Year of Action.
My best friend and I were talking and she feels as though she's being lazy and not living to her full potential. I would never have thought that about her, as she's always taking action to be happy and improve. Then I did a little self reflection and wondered, 'am I living to my potential? Could I do better?" Well, yes. I can do better. I can stick to an exercise schedule. I can excel in school and complete a degree. I can become a diplomat and international agent of peace. I can be more outgoing and meet more people. I can date more. I can communicate with my friends and family more. I can go to check-ups at the doctor and dentist to keep myself healthy. I can take better care of me. So this year, I am determined to take the actions necessary to live the kind of life I want to live.

Let's do this!

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