Wednesday, June 30, 2010

i'm not a bitch.. you just don't get it

It has become clear to me in these past 5-10 years that men speak another language.  I try to work with them and explain things to the best of my ability, but sometimes they just don't get it. Take for example a guy I met recently wile out in Santa Monica one night. Let's call him "Bill". My friend left to run to the restroom so I took her chair at the bar.. and there Bill was, sitting right next to me. We started talking, and he was cute and seemed pretty cool.. maybe a bit neurotic at times, but I just figured he was being weird and talking a lot because he was nervous.  As the night progressed, he seemed to chill out a bit and I warmed up to him.  He asked if he could call me sometime, but I didn't give him my number right away.. I asked him what he would do with it, and told him that I would only give it to him if he actually called me. Eventually we exchanged numbers before I left. We ended up texting and talking quite a few times. Initially he was nice, funny, attentive... but somehow there was something a bit off about him.  In the beginning I tend to step back and observe what guys DO, and don't put much thought into what they say. They can butter you up and tell you everything you want to hear, but what really matters is their integrity and honesty - will they come through on what they say?  Unfortunately, Bill blew it.  
I've been around long enough to know when someone's messing with me and have developed an extremely low tolerance to lying.  He kept saying he wanted to take me out, and I gave some suggestions to places and times, but we never ended up making official plans.  Sorry, but if you want to be with me, you have to have the balls to call me and set a date for a specific place and time. There are plenty of men out there that have no trouble doing that, and I really don't want to waste my time with boys who have difficulty with such a simple task. 
He asked me if I had facebook and wanted to add me.. so I said 'yeah, you can look me up by email'. I sent him my email, and when I asked for his he said he didn't have a facebook.. haha! and he said "sorry, I hope you don't think I'm lame".. No, I told him what's lame is his dishonesty.  He for whatever reason has something to hide and doesn't want me seeing his profile.  Ok, then you're disqualified buddy!! I told him I didn't want his email anymore and that I wasn't interested.  He avoided making plans with me, he didn't want to open up and let me get to know him.. then he is either not looking/ready for a relationship (or maybe already in one) or simply just not into me. Yet he keeps calling me and wanting an explanation why I'm not interested, and thinks it's ridiculous that I would end it over facebook... He apparently wasn't listening to anything I wrote or told him.. I don't have time to deal with boys that mess with me. I'm a very honest open person, and if you can't be that way with me- then I can't be with you. I don't like to repeat myself.. I told him I wasn't interested 3 or 4 times and that I had made up my mind... it's taking a while for it to sink into his brain. Some people just don't get the meaning of the words "NO".  I am done with Bill... and fortunately before either of us got too emotionally involved.

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